Saturday, December 27, 2008

Batman on drugs

We all know the 60s Batman was written under the influence of hardcore drugs. Now we have proof

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Thundercats the movie trailer

This is an amazingly well made fake trailer for a Thundercats movie. I would so go to watch this film. its made up of clips from other films, digitally painted to look like the thundercats characters.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Bruce Lee playing ping pong with Nunchucks!!!!

In case you hadn't realised it Bruce Lee is cool. Not only was he a martial arts genius but he was also a potential ping pong champion. Choosing to persue martial arts and a film carreer over a sports carreer we never got to see him rule the olympic ping pong table. But we do get to see his experimental combination of martial arts and ping pong. This is real footage from 1975.

Just kidding its a fake phone advert. But it is kinda cool.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

pot cookie monster!!!!

This made me smile today. And I really needed something to make me smile.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

The Matrix runs under windows

This is funny! What would the matrix have been like if it was running in windows. Wait a minute, it was easy to hack into, it was created to control the human race, everything slowed down whenever there was a lot of action. It does run under windows!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Daft Hands - Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger

This must take some hand eye co-ordination. The best thing I've seen today, and I watched munich and Django, sukijaki western.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Gremlins invade classic movies.

Not only was Gremlins a classic when I was a kid, (although it was too scary to watch once the gremlins started hurling circular saws around). But here the gremlins invade some of my other favorite films. Incidentally did you know that the gremlins were originally created by Roald Dahl, who invented the BFG and James and the giant peach.

Friday, July 25, 2008

More Batman Spoofage

Your right he does mumble doesn't he

Monday, May 5, 2008

levitol, or levitrol, mock advert

This is pretty funny, starts off like a believable advert and descends into madness

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Monday, April 28, 2008

Friday, April 18, 2008

Talking picutes

This is my own artwork turned into an animated talking head via PQ talking photo

myspacedvd to ipod video convertertalkingphoto, dvd to psp convertertalkingphoto, dvd to zunetalking photo album

This should be shown before every movie

This is from the aqua teen hunger force movie. Maybe we wouldn't have to worry about noisy teenagers in films if they watched this before each movie.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Mace Windu Uncensored

An interesting edit of various Samuel L Jackson quotes put into the mouth of Mace Windu.

WARNING extremely explicit lyrics MOTHER F###ER

"I've had it with these MOTHER F###ING Sith on this MOTHER F###ING Senate!"

Sunday Service - Woman at the well

For Sunday here is a little something to bless the soul.

Smallville pictures

I made this...

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Tuesday, April 8, 2008


Iron man is going to be an awesome film. Just check out this preview of the first flight.

oops, noobs

Monday, April 7, 2008

Utah Saints Something Good '08

I saw this video and thought it was fun.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Doctor Who Returns TONIGHT!

After a classic season finisher for Torchwood last night ("I forgive you...") I am excited about the return of Doctor Who tonight, although I still fear that Catherine Tate will drag it all down. But instead of complaining about the assistant I bring you this to celebrate, The KLF's version of the theme music 'Doctorin' the Tardis'

Friday, April 4, 2008

Battlestar Gallactica returns today in the US

The BSG remake has been some of the best television I can remember. Deep, tense and exciting. Well today is the launch of the new series in America, and with it came this great picture of a BSG last supper.

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Star Wars Robot Chicken


Tonight is the last episode of this series of torchwood. I thought the first series of torchwood was badly written tripe, but this series has been so much better. Well written, funny, and they even managed to make Owen likeable. Anyway, to celebrate Torchwood's brilliant second series here is a reminder of one of the series best moments.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Making a small child cry

If you have a mean sense of humour, this will be the funniest thing you have ever seen.

A guide to Teeism

Teeism is the worship of MrT, here is a little more information about Teeism...

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This comes from the entertaining Uncyclopedia website, a slightly less acurate version of Wikipedia.

Mr T knew how to treat his Mother

Mr T imparts wisdom to America's youth...

Darth Vader Harmonica

It seems that there was more to the extrangement of Darth Vader and Luke than the power of the force...

Blog Launch

Okay, I'm tired of posting the brilliant things I find on the internet onto facebook, so I thought I'd post them here instead. That way I might get some paypal cash.